Nia M Wardani | A Logbook of Life Discoveries

Complete List of Montessori School Depok



List of Montessori schools in Depok

Montessori school has become one of the most frequently searched schools by parents. If you are a parent looking for one in Depok, you may start your search here, from our list of Montessori School Depok. I hope you find the school that suits your needs.

List of Montessori School Depok

Following is the list of Montessori school Depok. We will try to update this list as frequently as possible, to include the most complete information. 

1. Khayangan Montessori School

Khayangan Montessori School or KMS is located at Komplek Pesona Khayangan Blok FO No.6 Margonda, Depok. In this bilingual school, education is delivered in two languages, Bahasa Indonesia and English.

KMS offers 4 programs: toddlers programs, preschool programs, kindergarten 1 and 2 progams. KMS also provides homeschooling programs for elementary and middle school aged students (SD and SMP). KMS has received “A” accreditation, recognition as children-friendly school, Sekolah Penggerak (transformational school), and inclusion school.

For more information, you can contact KMS by phone at 021-27612729 or Whatsapp at 0812-9081-7006. You can also browse more of their programs at and check their Instagram account @khayangan_montessori

2. Royal Montessori School

Royal Montessori School, known as RMS, is located in Permata Green Sentosa No.8, Jl. KHM Yusuf Sukmajaya, Depok. This school provides kindergarten, preschool, and also babies gym programs.

You can contact their office telephone number at  021 2761 2245 or Whatsapp at +62859 5992 5552 for further inquiries. They don't have an official website, but you can check on their updates at their official Instagram account

Programs include students-led conferences, field trips, outing classes, and various engaging daily activities.

3. Montessori British Preschool

Montessori British Preschool is serving preschool students aged 2.5 to 6 years old. They use international curriculum. The lessons are delivered fully in English.

Located in Grand Depok City, Jl. Boulevard, Depok, you may expect your children to have full exposure to the English language from a very young age.

Explore more of their program on their Instagram account

4. Precious Montessori School

Precious Montessori School serves students aged 2-7 years old. It is located at Jl. Boulevard Raya – Grand Depok City, Cluster Alamanda Timur Blk. A4 No.10, Kota Depok 
Precious Montessori School offers regular and non-regular programs. Regular Bambini program is intended toward children aged 3-4.5 years old. The program is from Monday to Friday, each two hours long.
Regular Toddler class is aimed for children 2,5-3 years old. The students will come twice a week, each 1,5 hours long.
Non-regular Montessori Enrichment Program is intended for children 3.5-6 years old. The program is two hours long, Monday to Friday, starting at 10.30 am.
Other than commonly offered subjects at Montessori schools, this school also offers Islamic studies lessons for muslim students.
The school is officially registered at the Indonesian Ministry of Education. Browse more of their programs at or their instagram @preciousmontessorischool

5. Rahayu Montessori School

Rahayu Montessori School has the motto : “act locally, think globally, learn peacefully.” It uses English as the medium of instruction.
Rahayu Montessori School offers regular preschool and toddler program for children aged 2-6 years old. It also offers weekend programs, intended to help new students to adapt to the school routine before they join the regular programs.
This school has also been officially registered in the Indonesian Ministry of Education.Rahaya Montessori School is located at Permata Green Depok, Blok A5, Depok. You can browse more info from their website or check their updates via their Instagram @rahayumontessorischool

That's the list of Montessori school Depok area. If you know another Montessori school in Depok that has not been added to this list, please let us know in the comment section.
Nia M Wardani
Hi! Call me Nia. I am a former teacher with ten years of high school physics teaching experience. I left formal teaching and found my peace through private tutoring, blogging, and gardening. Let's get in touch through my Instagram @nmwardani

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  1. Tertarik sekali belajar mengenai montessori ini...sudah mendaftar untuk kelas offline juga tapi jadwalnya belum pas

  2. Ada banyak ya sekolah montessori di depok. Tinggal pilih dan sesuaikan dg kriteria ini mah.

  3. Indeed, Montessori schools are the most frequently searched school today. As a parent, I am also interested in this method. Some schools even bravely name themselves with Montessori labels. But it seems, in fact, there are many schools now, that apply the Montessori method even though they not call themselves as Montessori schools.

  4. Sudah banyak juga ya sekolah berbasis montesori saat ini, tentunya hal ini merupakan hal yang baik, salah satu metode pendidikan yang saya sukai nih

  5. Saat ini sudsh banyak sekolah-sekolah yang memakai metode mintessori, dari tingkat TK, SD, SMP bahkan sekolah mengajipun ada yang menerapkan metode montessori. Sebagai orang tua juga harus pandai memilih sekoah yg tepat untuk anak, sesuai minat, bakat dan kemampuannya dan yg terpenting anak merasa enjoy dan tidak terpaksa sekolah di tempat itu.

  6. Wow nice. There are many montessori school in Depok. So, we can choose one of them that is suit with our need. It is one of advantages living in a big city. We can find what we need easily.

  7. Metode Montessori ini menarik banget. Kurikulum yang dipakai juga sudah kurikulum internasional. Jadi anak-anak yang belajar pun bisa sekaligus belajar bahasa asing lainnya.

  8. Our home base education is based on Montessori's method. Now, very grateful that so many Montessori School in Depok. I hope this school base on Montessori's will be established in other cities in Indo. Hopefully.


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